A new year of things to do!
So after Christmas my boyfriend Mike and I went out with his family to see a show and get a fancy dinner in the city. We saw the show Machinal, which was a very intense story about a woman who kills her husband. The show was short, only two hours, but powerful, and very different from the comedy/musical dramas we saw the last few years.
I've been kind of sick since right after Christmas, so tea and coffee lattes have been my savior. Lately we have been favoring a cute local shop, CrazyBeans, which I will be reviewing soon.
My big thing for the new year, taking better care of myself. that meant a change in skincare routine. Green tea or shea butter bubbles in my baths, lotion with spf for my face and body and a new face wash/scrub/toner/cleansing lotion routine. So far the results have been good, my skin is clearer and my skin is a lot softer, not dry or dull like it often is in Winter
Sadly JB is in Jersey for a while more, but we got to see one another for New Years Eve. Mike came too, and we spent the day drinking tea, eating great vegan food and wandering around New York City freezing our asses off until the show.
I vamped a bit on the train.
I had a lot of fun so far this year, and there's more fun and surprises to come!
x Dawn
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