Snow Daze

The weather here in NY has been absolutely abysmal lately, so there's been a lot of snow days. That means a lot of being shut up inside with the Bear in our tiny apartment and trying not to go stir crazy. Thankfully, we're both homebodies so it wasn't hard.

I picked up this copy of Gremlins for about five dollars at some big box store. Mike had never seen it so I was pretty excited to grab this classic on DVD. 

I picked up the Bravest Warriors dice game right before the weather got bad. It's a lot of fun, and also super cute. I played as Catbug the first round, and we ate cookies while we played. 

Nothing better than a big mug of cocoa and some baked goods in a chilly day. Mike and I picked these up from Sweet To Lick Bakery, an all vegan bakery. The roads were icy and there were mountains of snow everywhere, but it was worth it for the treat.

How is the weather by you guys?


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