Hair Evolution!
I like to change my hair. I really do. Bleaching, buzzing, cutting and coloring, all of it is amazing fun. Over the last few months I have made some changes and just wanted to show them off.
The blonde was fun. I liked having something so different form the black I had for so long. The only issue? It felt very, very, normal. I could be wearing all black and a ton of eyeliner and something still felt too natural about my hair. It was never perfectly white, and think that might have been the issue.
This wine color was something custom mixed by me. I used a few Manic Panic dyes I had laying around and blended them into this lovely, dark, shade. I loved this color, but the issue was fading. It always wanted to be
My current color and my first time using Pravana hair color. It's dark, and very, very blue. I had to rebleach my hair to get to this, but the damage wasn't too bad. Right now it's a fun change. I've never had blue hair before.
My secrets for good hair-
Garnier Damage Eraser shampoo and conditioner
Shimmer Lights shampoo
x Dawn