Goth Topic Day 1- 5 pieces that every Goth wardrobe should have, regardless of style

 5 pieces that every Goth wardrobe should have, regardless of style

So to start things off I am going to tell all of you lovelies the 5 items that every goth wardrobe should have, no matter what style they wear. I will also be listing a femme and masculine version of some items, so that people of any gender/presentation can enjoy.

  1. Black skinny jeans or leggings. I LIVE in my black leggings most of the time. The great thing here is comfort. Yes, skinny jeans can be comfortable, just look for the kind with a bit of stretch to them. These bottoms are very easy to toss on and go, and can be good layering pieces in the case of leggings. Leggings with boots can be warmer than tights, and if the ankle in covered, no one is going to really know the difference other than you. Leggings and skinny jeans are great for a variety of styles. They are also perfect for casual wear, as both work well with a tossed on band shirt or sweater. 
  2. Black tank top. Another big one for me. I have a toooon of tank tops. They are good in the summer when I need to be cool, and in winter when I want an extra layer under a warmer top or sweater. I also like them for what I call "cleavage control" as they can help cover up when a shirt or dress has a super low neckline. I also love how they show off the arms, since that means showing off an arm or shoulder tattoos! Again, so basic they work in any style. 
  3. Black cardigan. So this is now officially just a list of Things I Wear All The Time. But I maintain this is a big deal. Unless you live in a tropical paradise, and even then you would need to never set foot in an air conditioned building, you will likely need a sweater now and then. Cardigans are great because they come in a million style and even prints. Masculine folks can get a slightly longer cardi, while those who like pin up looks and retro styles can benefit from cute little cropped cardigans. 
  4. Black boots. Just about every goth style works well with some kind of boot. Doc Martens, granny boots, winkle pickers, big platforms, combat boots, the list goes on and on. Boots are great for cold weather and wet weather and come in leather or veg alternatives. They work on men and women, and come flat or with heels and platforms. Everyone should have at least one pair of good boots. 
  5. A band shirt! Yeah, we all have one or two floating around somewhere. They can be great for going out, or just the perfect baggy shirt for sleeping in and bumming around the house. The fact is, you cannot dress up all the time. Band shirts are great because they can be little tributes to music you love and shows you went to but they aren't always the most fashionable things in creation. But don't get rid of all of them! they make great bases for DIY projects and they are good for comfy clothes days and even gym wear. 

band shirts

Black Cardigan

skinny jeans and leggings

black tank tops

Black boots


Mykki said…
Sad thing is....I don't own one band t-shirt. Probably because I don't own t-shirts anymore. Hmmm.
Unknown said…
Excellent, I own at least one of each of those. I am looking out for a new, very basic black cardigan at the moment though.
5th Avenue Goth said…
awesome. totally with you on these. I just did this post a moment ago--lol i can't believe i forgot the black skinny jeans!!

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