So I have been a bad blogger! I got very caught up with school and finals and papers and then with some family nonsense. That kinda caused me to have a lack of good things to blog about and little desire to dress up nice and be my normal spooky cute self. but I am now back!
My boyfriend and I have been on a movie kick lately. We saw The Hobbit right before the holidays really got out of control.
How awesome is this pic?? |
My boyfriend and I are both big Tolkien fans so we had been looking forward to this movie coming out for a while. We also knew ahead of time that there would be a lot of changes to the movie from what was in the book. With his in mind, we were both pretty happy with the film overall. The effects were great (as expected from the team behind Lord of the Rings) and the movie was a fun watch.
I was surprised to find myself thinking a few of the dwarves were rather cute. Fili, Kili and Thorin were pretty cute! My boyfriend says I have a beard fixation. aoverall I had a good time watching this movie and recommend it to fans of Tolkien and fantasy movies in general. Can't wait for the next one!
Fili and Kili, so cute! |