3 things I wish I was told when I was a Baby Bat

1- Statement pieces are key
One over the top item can make a look. A pair of faux leather shorts can change a simple summer or spring look into something dark and sexy. My crazy faux fur coat can make me feel crazy and glamorous all at once. A dresser of plain tanks, tees and bottoms really needs a pop of something.

pentagram earrings are always a great addition to an outfit

My hellraisers are great, comfy and they certainly make a statement

2- Texture is important
Faux fur, faux leather, sequins, spikes and studs. I LOVE texture.  don’t do much color, so texture is what I go for to add interest. I am also someone who enjoys touching clothes. Velvet and fur and synthetic silk just feel good to put on.

I added a ton of spikes to this denim jacket for a personalized touch

Faux fur is pretty, warm, and humane!

3- Go for a total package
Personally, I don’t like an ott look with plain hair or minimal makeup. I think alt styles work best when you push it on all fronts. For me, the black dye job, piercings and tat are often what keep from feeling very plain on days I can’t or don’t wear a really crazy outfit.

A simple smokey eye goes a long way
I like black and silver jewelry because it always matches 


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